Monday, March 8, 2010


As my research paper I will write about the topic;

‘Analyse how a particular cultural group of your choice is typically stereotyped within its own society (consider media and/or cinema and/or literature) and examine some of the implications of this stereotyping.’

In this aspect I am interested in German Turks. I will analyse their social, cultural, living and physiological conditions. During this research I will consider media and cinema.

I am interested with this topic rather than the others because I think that with this research I will have a chance to understand the situation of Turks in German.


  1. This is a very interesting you have any films in mind?

    I think this book might help; it's written by one of our Freshman English instructors:

    Good luck!

  2. I know that there were some films about this topic. I don't remember their names but I will search about them. And thank you for the link.I hope it will help me=)

  3. hi my friend melek!!!
    i know we've discussed about your topic and i know why you wanted to write about this particular topic and i wanna say i look forward to read it if sonja gives permission:D

  4. hi ezgiii,
    I am glad that you are interested in my research topic, I really would like you to read it. I also would like to read yours too. And I think that during this time we can discuss about our topics which would be very useful to have different ideas=)
